Rabu, 26 April 2017

Meeting Pioneer Woman

Last night I met one of my favorite women ever: The Pioneer Woman.
Also known as PW, P-Dub or Ree.
When her cookbook was released last year, I was SO bummed that San Francisco wasn't on her tour list. Last month when the dates Black Heels to Tractor Wheels Book Tour came out, I was so excited that she was coming to San Fran!
My friend Becky and I immediately put it on our calendars because we are both huge PW fans. We met Bakerella together last Fall, so of course we were going to meet the PW together!

So, yesterday afternoon, we trekked over to the city on Bart to meet PW.
The book signing wasn't until 7 pm, but when I called the bookstore last week, they recommended that we get there around 5 pm. We got there at 5:15, bought our books & were given our tickets in Group D. (There were 20 tickets per letter, so we were part of the first 60-80 people to get there).
There were tons of chairs set up & a lot of the seats were open, so we grabbed seats in the third row, front and center! Both Becky and I were giddy with excitement! And, the caffeine from my Peet's Iced Vanilla Latte didn't help my hyperness :)
Becky & I SUPER excited about sitting in the 3rd row! Score!!
And, trying not to sweat...it was HOT in there!
While we were waiting for PW to arrive, my friend Jen (second from the left). Her husband was roommates with Kevin in college. We have been following eachother's blogs for a couple of years, so it was finally fun to meet in person. (She lives near Sacramento)
Ree arrived right on time & we all cheered for her!
She did a Q & A for over 30 minutes for us to ask her questions about her cookbook, her new book, her family, etc.
I was brave & raised my hand to ask a question!
I asked her what was her favorite thing to eat for breakfast, lunch & dinner. And, what is her kid's favorite meal?
She said if she could she would eat a pan of her cinnamon rolls for breakfast, her Asian noodle salad for lunch & dinner would be some kind of roast & cheesy grits.
Her daughter Alex said her favorite recipe was the Chocolate Sheet Cake & Paige said she liked the Marlboro Man Sandwich.
Ree wasn't by herself for this book signing. She brought her 2 daughters Alex & Paige, her sister in law, niece & mother in law!
Ree was so funny, so nice, so humble & so personable.
And, she is so pretty! Her hair is gorgeous!
After the Q&A it was time to line up & and wait (and wait and wait) for Ree to sign our books.
We were group D, so there were about 60 people ahead of us. While we were in line, I spotted my blogging friend Keri!
After over an hour of waiting in line, it was our turn.
Here is a picture of my feet & Becky's feet at the blue line, which meant....we were next!
Here is Becky chatting it up with P-Dub!
Then, Becky & I got a picture with her.
Could Becky & I have bigger smiles?!?!?
Then, I got my one on one time with PW.
Even though she had already talked & signed books for over 75 people, she still took the time with each and everyone of us. She asked me about my girls, I talked to her about soccer (both her girls love soccer) and when I told her I played soccer for the University of Colorado, she told me that is where her daughter Alex wants to go.
Becky snapped this picture of me chatting with PW. This may or may not have been the time that I was telling PW that I would happily come out to her Ranch to give her girls some free soccer lessons. Yes, I seriously said that to her. And, yes, I really meant it. I want to go to her Ranch SO badly!
I seriously felt like I had been friends with Ree for years. Her personality is so warm & welcoming. I think all 400 woman who were there last night would say the same thing.
Me & the P-Dub:
I had her sign my PW cookbook (left) that totally had food on it (I use it at least once a week)
and, her new book Black Heels to Tractor Wheels (right)
{Oh....and I *may* have had her sign an additional copy of extra cookbook.
Stay tuned for a PW cookbook giveaway. Coming soon on my blog!}

It was such a great night!
Becky & I were like giddy school girls walking back to BART.
It was a beautiful night in the city:
We got home at 11 pm and I was exhausted & starving, but still on a caffeine mixed with adrenaline rush!
All I had for dinner was a granola bar and looking through the cookbook all night was torture :)

If PW is coming to your city, I have one word for you: GO!

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