Senin, 03 April 2017

Anniversary and Mothers Day

We had a great Mother's Day Weekend!  We kicked off the weekend celebrating our anniversary!  Bradley and I got all dressed up to meet Daddy for dinner.

 It is so fun bringing him out places now!  We just have to make sure we have lots of puffs and toys!

 Then we went to the lake to meet up with my parents!  We always dress very patriotic for the lake.

 So happy to see Papa!

Also happy to get some breakfast!

 The boat hasn't been delivered yet but we enjoyed being outside regardless.  The little girls did, too.

Every time we get to the lake, Papa has a new toy for Bradley!  This weekend this little table appeared, and Bradley was obsessed.

 We always eat well at the lake - how delicious and adorable is this sugar cookie bar?!

Then it was time to swim! :)

Bradley loves baths and his swim lessons, so he definitely loved splashing around in the kiddie pool!

 And how great is this mom suit??  (from Albion Fit).

Bradley wanted my beverage!  Or maybe just the flamingo.

We gave him his favorite teether instead.  

 Bradley does NOT love wearing sunglasses. :)

I got them on...

He grabbed the side...

...and off they came!

Dad got them on him when they were lounging. :)

A safer spot for my beverages. :)

Bradley loves hanging with Papa.

My parents recently added on to the lake house for all of the grandkids!  How cute is this bunk room?

On Mother's Day we drove back, ran some errands, then Bradley and I took a super long nap.  My kind of day. :)

 He was dressed for the occasion as always. :)

I hope all you mamas had a great Mother's Day!

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