Minggu, 23 April 2017


Sometimes I like to collect inspiring pictures. I recently cleared out my "wedding idea" folders to make room for "home decor" and "scrapbooking" ideas. I doubt too many people care about my scrapbook layouts, but who doesn't like some dream decor ideas?

Now I realize that we won't own a home of our own for awhile. But if you know me, you know I like to plan ahead for things. And unfortunately I have expensive tastes.

So here are a few ideas I have so far...

A bedroom with painted stripes, like this (from MRS.KEW on the nest):

A classy dining room, courtesy of Pottery Barn:

Really cool hardwood floors throughout, including a bathroom with TWO sinks! :

And a lot of bright, clean space. This would be an amazing guest room, don't you think?
This last one is from Domino.com and I just love it. But I doubt I'd have the guts to paint the wood all white. And let's get real, Henry would barf all over that white duvet cover.

Anyway, a girl can dream, can't she?

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