Kamis, 13 April 2017

hence the title of this blog

Another transition in life. Here we go...

My dearest baby boy Truman,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the best three months of my life. My maternity leave spent with you has been nothing short of amazing and I would not trade a second of it for anything. It's been exciting and frightening, energizing and exhausting, magical, dream-like, and has brought me more contentment than I knew was possible. I've worried, cried, worried some more, and then cried a little bit more about our special time together ending. One thing you've already taught me in your 11 weeks of life is that when I worry about you, it's usually unfounded. Remember how I fretted over you in the beginning of my pregnancy, wondering if you'd make it? Or how I was scared to death of being induced two weeks early, fearing you wouldn't be healthy? Silly mommy, right? I know you will be a big boy for daddy and grandpa and the daycare workers. Please please please take the bottles they offer you, baby. And try not to cry too much:)




Truman, you are too little now to understand but I love you with every ounce of my being. I love you more than I know how to express and would do just about anything to extend our work-free days together. But as you will soon find out, life isn't always fair and we don't always get what we want. I'm learning that lesson once again at twenty-nine years of age and I'll be there for you as you learn it, too. I truly believe that God has a plan for us, Truman, and right now I'm supposed to go back to work for our family. Please know that when I'm gone I will still think of your fat little cheeks and smile, I'll yearn to sniff your head and squeeze your tummy, and above all I will continue to love you when I'm away. And then when I get to see you again in the evenings and on my days off be prepared for some major cuddle sessions, mister man.





And so now we are both entering a new phase of our lives complete with lots of changes from our 'norm.' We can do this, buddy.

Love, Mommy

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