Minggu, 02 April 2017

Hello August!

People...It's August!
You know what that means, right?
It means I am going to have a baby *THIS* month!
As of yesterday, I am officially 38 weeks pregnant which means the countdown is on.
In 2 weeks (or less!!!) I will be holding this baby & will not be pregnant anymore.
Can I get an Amen?
I am so excited to meet him/her and find out who the grand finale of our family is!
Don't mind how tired I look in these pictures, I haven't been getting much sleep lately.
Not because of anything pregnancy related, but because I have been staying up until 1 or 2 in the morning watching The Olympics! I am OBSESSED with the Olympics.
(You can read about when I went to the 1996 Olympics HERE)
And, 4 years ago during the 2008 Summer Olympics, I was 9 months pregnant with Claire, so I am having deja-vu.
Now, onto some pregnancy stats!
How Far Along:
38 Weeks
Size of baby:
About 7 lbs (my Dr thinks I will have another 8-9 lb baby)
Total Weight Gain:
Gained 42 lbs (YIKES!!!)
I am leaning toward boy. I think.
But, we are having 2nd guesses about our girl name, so maybe that means It's a girl?!?!
I put up a poll on the side, so you can guess!
Movement is slowing down. I think the baby is running out of room.
Most active at night when I am trying to go to sleep.
I am getting REALLY uncomfortable and having a hard time falling asleep (but that is also due to the Olympics! ha!) Once I am asleep, I am pretty much sleeping through the night. I don't have to pee in the middle of the night, but sometimes I wake up with leg cramps/charlie horses. Ouch!
What I miss:
Wine. Beer. Margaritas. Diet Coke.
I've lost my appetite lately - I think maybe my stomach has run out of room?
I'm 9 months pregnant - I'm huge, I feel like I waddle. I can't bend over or get comfortable in any position. And, it's hot this week...in the high 90's. BUT I'm SO thankful for this pregnancy and I'm trying to enjoy the very end. And, I am trying to be patient and
Best Moment this week:
Having it become August 1st and knowing that I will be having this baby SOON!
So excited to find out if it is a boy or girl! And, this week I am trying to soak in the time with Kate & Claire because their world (and ours!) is going to be rocked shortly, so I am enjoying time with them & checking things off our Summer List!

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