Jumat, 28 April 2017

Cloth Diapering Why

As I've mentioned before, the number one factor that pushed me towards cloth diapering was the savings you get versus disposables. We are talking hundreds if not thousands of dollars which is enough to give it a go for our family. The 'saving the environment' factor is pretty sweet, as is the notion that diaper rash is much less common in cloth and therefore most say cloth is better for baby's skin. Plus, most cloth diapered babies are potty trained sooner in life than those in disposables because they can actually feel when they are wet instead of having the magical chemical gel balls whisk away the moisture. I mean, the reasons are endless but sometimes it's nice to hear lots of opinions on the subject.

Here are a ton of great websites that review the 'why' of cloth diapering that I found helpful:

1. Diaper Decisions great chart on all types of CD versus disposables.

2. Stork Wearhouse chart on CD versus disposables, low end versus high end comparisons. Also some good background general info.

3. Zany Zebra's take on cloth verses disposables.

4. Better for Babies give their reasons.

5. The Cloth Diaper Whisperer blog: all of their 'cloth vs. disposable' tagged posts.

6. All About Cloth Diapers: focusing on budget options.

And then there are the go to sites to learn the basics of CD. Tons of info out there, ladies, but it just takes time to absorb it all and make decisions that are right for your situation.

1. The Eco-Friendly Family blog: how to CD a newborn.

2. The EFF blog: motherload post. Everything you need to know, pretty much.

3. Pin Stripes and Polka Dots: tons of great info, diapering basics.

4. The Diaper Jungle: what systems work, comparison between styles of CD.

5. The Diaper Jungle: The guide 101 post, great info here.

6. Diaper Daisy: the FAQs

So those links should keep you busy for awhile, huh? :)
More of my research coming soon including traveling with CD, all about prefolds, where to buy, etc.

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