Selasa, 18 April 2017

10 on 10 July 2015

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button
  This is a fun 10th because we are in Lake Tahoe, so our 10 on 10 is brought to you from my happy place...Tahoe!
Here is a snapshot of our day....
One of my favorite things about Tahoe is waking up surrounded by trees. I love having my coffee outside enjoying the quietness & the beauty.
 I love you coffee & Tahoe :)

We had fun plans for the day, heading to Emerald Bay & hiking down to the bottom of it. The drive there is so pretty....trees everywhere. This is the Truckee River, most of it has dried up because of the major California drought we are having. Usually there are some rapids & it is filled with people rafting down the river.
 Here we are at the top of Emerald Bay, you hike down to the bottom. Isn't the view gorgeous:
Yes, Kevin & I both hiked down in flip flops...that's how we roll. Californians born & raised...we love our flip flops.
Here we are at the bottom of Emerald Bay. The view is gorgeous from the bottom also!
 Luke was the only one who got in the water. He LOVES the lake!
After we hiked back UP, we had a quick picnic lunch on the rocks and then drove further around the lake to one of our favorite Ice Cream Shops:
 Then, we headed back to our cabin & drove around the lake on our way there. I will never tire of driving around Lake Tahoe. So pretty! (You can see that the lake is lower than it should be because of the drought)
 When we got home, the kids were wiped out so the girls played with their American Girl Dolls & Kevin and Luke played cars:
It was Friday so that means Friday Night Pizza Night when we are in Tahoe also! Tahoe has one of my favorite pizza places. Cheese for the kids and pepperoini, pineapple & jalapeno for Kevin & I. Yum!
 We put the kids to bed and then Kevin and I watched the Giants game and read on our Kindles.  I started the book 11/22/63 by Stephen King earlier this week when we got to Tahoe and finished it tonight. It was the 1st Stephen King book I have read and it was incredible! It was 850 pages and I stayed up late here in Tahoe past 1am most nights reading it because I couldn't put it down! SO good!
So, there you have it!
My 10 on 10 for July...also known as the Lake Tahoe Edition!
Hope you had a great 10th & have a great weekend!

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