Minggu, 09 April 2017

Summer Salad Swap Broccoli Salad

Welcome to the Summer Salad Swap!
I am sharing one of my favorite salad recipes that we make all the time!
This is my mom's recipe and is also a staple in our house during the summer months.
We have had it 2 times this week already!

Broccoli Salad
Here is what you need:
Broccoli Florets (I use bagged Broccoli most of the time)
Red Cherry Tomatoes
Yellow Cherry Tomatoes (when in season)
Red Onion (I used the pre-chopped red onion because my eyes are SO sensitive to cutting onions)

Wash & Rinse Broccoli Florets and put in salad bowl.
Chop Tomatoes in half:
Now for the Bacon. I use about 8 slices of bacon.
And, I cook my bacon on a cookie sheet in the oven.
So much easier than cooking it in a pan!
I line my cookie sheet with parchment paper.
I bake my bacon at 425 degrees for about 10-15 minutes.
Every oven is different. I check mine at 10 minutes & cook it longer if it isn't as crispy as I like it.
Yum. Bacon.
I let the bacon cool for about 10 minutes before I chop it up:
While your bacon is cooking, I make the dressing.
Here is what you need for the salad dressing:
1 cup Mayo
1/4 cup Sugar
3 Tablespoons Red Wine Vinegar
Dash of Salt & Pepper.
Whisk all the Dressing Ingredients together.
**Note about the Dressing - Depending on how large you make your salad, you may need to adjust the measurements of the dressing. I like my Broccoli Salad to be lightly coated, not soaked in dressing.**

Add the tomatoes, red onion & bacon to the salad bowl.
Chill Broccoli Salad & Dressing (separately) in the fridge for at least an hour before serving.
Toss & Coat with Dressing about 15 minutes before you serve it.
If you have a great Summer Salad Recipe, Grab a Button and add your recipe to the linky below.
And, be sure and check out the other recipes that are linked up!

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