Selasa, 11 April 2017

The good the bad the funny

The Good:
  • Nate takes his last final tomorrow. One semester of PT school down [about 11 to go]!
  • I had the day off work today. [Keep reading to understand the importance here.]
  • We are going on a tropical vacation on Friday!
  • Okay, it's just a trip to mid-Missouri to see my parents. And it's been 100 degrees down there with about 99% humidity, hence the 'tropical vacation.'
  • It has yet to reach 90 degrees in Milwaukee this summer. We've had a few days in the upper 80s but still nothing above 89. In fact we don't even run our air conditioning most of the time, just fans and windows. Does that make you Missouri girls jealous?
  • I'm busy working on three different album designs right now. Can't wait to show off their fabulosity.
  • Instead of burning my retinas in the summer sun during our training, I finally got a pair of running sunglasses. For FREE with our Discover Card cash back bonus. I love free stuff.

The Bad:
  • Um, why did I agree to work all day Saturday AND Sunday this past weekend? On top of my regular 40 hours during the week? That was incredibly stupid and I almost threw myself out of the fifth floor windows at the hospital. True story.
  • You read correctly: it is 100 degrees at my parents house and we have to run 15 miles this weekend. I smell a bad run coming on.
  • I am a horrible daughter and this will be my first trip home since Christmas. Isn't that sad? Two trips to St. Louis to see our friends and yet no trips home in 8 months. Living so far away really sucks sometimes.
  • Since I had to work an ungodly amount this past week I could barely squeeze in my long run. I somehow managed to run 10 miles today despite our northern version of 'humidity.'
  • I've been really burnt out lately, not just at my job but also with blogging. I wasn't even going to post tonight but I did it just for you, dear readers.
  • Our laptop finally kicked the bucket for good. She lead a good life and was such a hard worker. RIP, dear laptop.
The Funny:
  • I know this is really old and I'm sure you've all seen it, but let's relive the hilarity, shall we? The sound that she makes reminds me of a dying walrus to me and the quote, "I think she is actually hurt" sends me over the top. Love it.
Lady Falls Stomping Grapes

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