Jumat, 28 April 2017

Attention Shop Owners A Reminder!

Over a month ago one of my readers, Jenny emailed me letting me know about her Etsy shop and asked if I wanted to giveaway one of her Printable Eveything Kit's.
 I thought her kit was genius, so of course I wanted to let you guys know about it and give one away, which we did last month!

I am so glad she emailed me because if she didn't, I wouldn't have known about her awesome product! 
And, I was able to share it with YOU, my awesome readers.

This gave me an idea. 
I bet a lot of my readers have Etsy shops or sell things that I don't even know about!
Are you a shop owner? Do you make stuff?
Would you like to do a giveaway on my blog to spread the word about your product/shop?
I thought it would be fun to do a giveaway once a month from shops of my readers!
It would be an individual giveaway, with just your shop/item.
I don't do sponsors on my blog, so this is a FREE way for you to promote your shop!
It's a win-win! You promote your shop, my readers get a giveaway!
I want to support other women/moms, so thought this would be fun!
If you are interested, leave me a comment or email me with "Giveaway" in the subject:

And, a  reminder....The Soup's On Recipe Linky is THIS Wednesday!

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