Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

10 on 10 August 2013

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button

Every 10th of the month, I go back and look on the previous year's 10 on 10 to see what we were up to the year before. Last year, my 10 on 10 for August was when I was in the hospital, since I had Luke on the 9th. That was one of my favorite 10 on 10's. You can see that post {here}

Today's 10 on 10 was special because it was Luke's 1st birthday party, so get ready for lots of birthday party sneak peeks!

How I start my day. Everyday. Coffee.
 Party Prep, the girls did all the sprinkles for me.
 More party prep. Slicing watermelon. Lots & lots of watermelon.
 Setting up the plates:
 Party Bunting.
 My awesome party shorts I got on clearance {here}. Perfect for the party!
 Cake! He didn't like it at all ;)
 It was a great day & so much fun celebrating our Lukey Guy!
Full party post coming this week. I took A LOT more photos than just 10 today ;)

And, don't forget to enter my Blogoversary Giveaways HERE if you haven't done so already!

Hope you had a great 10th! 

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