Senin, 09 Januari 2017

Miscellaneous Monday

Yep, it's that time again:

  • My 2008 goals are going quite well, if I do say so myself. We went to the little Lutheran church yesterday morning and it was very cute. Nate felt comfortable because it was so similar to a Catholic mass, and I was comfortable because it reminded me of my Lutheran grade school days. The pastor was a female [gasp!] and I really enjoyed her message. Plus the whole shindig [including communion] lasted only one hour. Not to mention that it started at 10:15 am so we still got to sleep in. It was definitely a great way to start the week. I'm so proud of us!
  • I've also been running again. Here is my secret motivation: I spent hours, literally hours on I-tunes this weekend creating a new workout playlist. I even dusted off my old CDs from back in my Spain days. I forgot how much I love European techno [flame on if you want, but it makes you run faster. Seriously]. So with my new playlist I even ventured out into the cold, wet weather on Saturday and ran outside. This is not something I plan on doing regularly. Even though it was 40 degrees there were still plenty of ice/snow/water puddles to make my run especially pleasant. Frozen toes and a runny nose are definitely two musts for a great run, right? I've also sucked it up and hit the gym after work, even when I can think of a hundred reasons to go straight home. So while I'm not logging a ton of miles just yet it feels good to get off my lazy arse and get going on this running thing.
  • Nate started the first of two part time jobs today! His hours are going to be pretty random but hey, it's a job. Meaning we'll be pulling in two incomes! He also officially accepted a second part time job at my hospital, in my department as a therapy aide. This means I get to boss him around even more when we work together. Good times for all:) Seriously though...this is very exciting for our household. But I'm a little worried I will lose my "dinner is on the table and the apartment has been cleaned" privileges now that my little chef is working. Maybe I need to rethink this whole thing....
  • Guess who got called for Jury Duty? Even though I've only lived here for 6 months. Yep. How fun. Anyone have to endure this extremely boring sentence? I'm still trying to figure out if I'll get paid time off at work in addition to the generous $19/day from the city. I seriously hope so or I'll sabotage my chances of being a juror by faking hatred towards the poor or something. Besides, I'm sure my work is really stoked to find someone to cover my load on those two days.
  • I really like seeing all of the new commenters around here! Even if I don't respond to the comments know that I love reading all of them and it's especially fun to see some newbies. Keep it up ladies!
  • Fess up. Who watched the new American Gladiators yesterday and today? We were so excited about this show only to be let down by it's incredible cheesy scripted lines. I mean it's way worse than the original 80s version. But there are two awesomely bad Gladiators who deserve some credit:
1. Wolf. He is an absolute freak, probably on some hard core drugs. He howls at the moon every time he begins a match and he says things like, "I'm a wolf and I'm going to eat you." Seriously. This guy is ridiculous.
2. Hellga. I'm pretty sure she ate a male Gladiator to look like this. Her thighs are easily the size of my huband's head. Why does she have to wear a freaking skirt when all the other "female" Gladiators get to wear the fabulous spandex bikini bottoms?
So yeah, we are pretty disappointed in this show. Such great potential but so freaking cheesy. Oh well. We still like to pretend we are contestants and imagine beating some steroid-sculpted butt!

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