Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

Week In Pictures

Recent happenings through the eyes of my phone camera.

We have been out of dog treats for a while.  Impossible to get Chim to her cage without them!  Hint: look under the couch.

Extra spoiled this week - had Wildfire twice!  Once for lunch and once for dinner when parents were in town!

Sprinkles favorite morning nap spot - Nate's dirty laundry.

Love the Fall colors so much!

Finally organized my party supplies in one spot.  Will be so much easier to find when I need!

Melissa's wedding was this weekend!  She was a gorgeous bride!

Lindsey took some engagement pictures for them and one of them was blown up to a canvas.  So pretty!

Friends/coworkers at the wedding!

After the wedding we went to a late night showing of Gravity!  Please go see this movie now!  Since we had our wedding clothes on we stopped at Target and picked up sweats to wear.  Nate's were a little short but looked great with his dressy shoes! :)

Vikings game with my parents!  Terrible game but great company. :)

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