Kamis, 20 Juli 2017

You better watch out You better not cry

.....You better not pout, I'm telling you why.
Santa Claus is coming to town!

Yesterday we went to visit Santa!
The girls got all dolled up for the occasion.
If you have been reading my blog for the past year or so, you know that my girls DO NOT like Santa (or the Easter Bunny for that matter)

The beauty of this is that every year I get CLASSIC Santa pictures.
Call me a mean mom, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the crying kid Santa pictures!

Let's take a trip down memory lane & review the Santa visits over the past 3 years.

Kate's 1st Christmas {11 months}
Claire's 1st Christmas {3 months}, Kate {23 months}
2009: Claire {15 months}, Kate {2.5 years old}
Because Kate didn't cry last year, I knew she wasn't going to cry this year.
I was putting my hopes in Claire.

Let's see how she did.....
Kate {3.5 years old} & Claire {2 years old}
Kate was happy....
Not so much!
Then, Claire escaped off his lap & Kate had a chance to sit by herself. Santa told her she was a very special little girl and asked what she wanted for Christmas.
Her response? "I haven't decided what I want for Christmas"

And, just to prove that Claire wasn't *too* traumatized by the whole thing, her she is 1 minute after getting off Santa's lap.
She was smiling because Jingles the Elf was outside of Santa's workshop making balloon animals.
Kate & Claire eagerly awaiting their balloons.
They chose candy canes, of course (just like the past 2 years)
They were so excited to get these candy canes
Thanks to my mom who came with us on our Santa Adventure!
P.S. Their balloons popped 5 minutes after getting home. Both girls were in tears. Worse than the tears in the Santa pictures. I should have photographed that!

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