Jumat, 21 Juli 2017

Thirty Two Weeks

8 months along (if you go by the confusing '40 weeks=10 months' of pregnancy thing). Nearing the end, folks! And here is one of my 'very pregnant' new maternity tops, as Nate likes to call it:)

I think the belly is just rounding out more, becoming less torpedo-like but is still growing up a storm along with my chesticle region. And although I doubted the lady who measured my boobs as a 38C last week, I must admit my defeat. I went to Target and tried on a bunch of bras thinking I was probably more like a 36B since I have been wearing an old, grungy 34B that I found from my college days and was finding it to be more like a torture device than a bolder holder. But the lady who measured me was right because the girls are a TRUE 38C now. I cannot freaking believe it. Do you know what it's like to move from a 'barely A' to a near D cup? Freaking amazing and scary at the same time, that what it's like:)

Other body news: my belly button suddenly gave way and is teetering on the edge of being an outie. I noticed this for the first time on Saturday night when I was all, 'Um, I think part of the button is poking out a lot more right now' and Nate was all, 'Yup, it's on the verge.' It's held on for so long and now I'm preparing myself to see that little nipple-like nub pop through very soon. The view from above is pretty entertaining at this point:

Note to any wild and carefree 18 year old girls reading this (aside from the standard 'why are you reading this old lady's blog right now?' question I'd like to ask): if you think getting your belly button pierced is cool and trendy right now, fast forward about ten years when your tight little belly is housing a little human being. That extra hole you just acquired will always remind you of your previous life, even when you are an old pregnant hag like me sporting a baby bump with accompanying belly ring hole. Fun stuff:)

Also, I started my prenatal yoga class last week and I'm kind of obsessed. It's all zen and stretchy and meditation based just like I thought. But I also got more of a workout than I anticipated, although it's not anywhere near those cardio/running sessions I so often crave. It was me with about 15 other pregnant ladies in all different stages of our pregnancy trying to be all calm and stuff. I even met a friend who is due 2 weeks after me. We walked out of class together and she said, 'You look really great' so immediately I wanted to be her best friend and hold hands singing songs together. I told her the same, we made small talk, and then she said she'd see me next week. I'm totally in Kindergarten again, making new little friends, but it's pretty fun to bond with a random stranger who shares the event of prepping for their first born with me. Can't wait for this week's class already.

The other big even from the week was the trip to Missouri for baby showers #1 and #2. These are going to have their own rightful posts but let me just summarize: I am the luckiest chick in the whole wide world. The feeling of gratitude and humility I have after these two showers is overwhelming. Our friends and family are amazing people and both Nate and I feel incredibly blessed to have them in our lives. Yes, we received a lot of baby gear but more than that....spending time with our peeps from all walks of life really makes you feel loved. This baby is entering a world with a ridiculous support system and it's enough to make a pregnant lady get all emotional over the whole thing. I just can't help it, you guys. And OMG....I have a lot of organizing to do in the nursery now:) Pictures to come. We also have our breastfeeding class and my 32 week OB appointment on Monday, plus I am getting a prenatal massage on Friday. It's going to be a great week, folks.

I'm off to go snuggle with my first born baby Henry because I missed him so much this weekend it hurt a little bit. Perhaps the hormones are a little out of control at week 32, huh? :)

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