Senin, 10 Juli 2017


I'm typing this post while CC nurses. She doesn't seem to mind the constant jostling.

Because she's asleep while nursing.

Of course. (sigh)

I actually feel incredibly proud of myself as a mom because I got her to nap in her crib for a total of 1.5 hours today.

(Pats self on back while typing one handed....letting the baby nap and nurse simultaneously. Ahem.)

Sometimes you have to declare the morning a 'win' and let the afternoon just happen.


Is that called being lazy and/or giving up?


So anyway, I have a bunch of things on my list of 'to blog about....someday'. Wanna hear a few?

Wait. She just woke up. I'm going to put her in the Exersaucer (aka the giant, primary colored monster that has overtaken my family room.)

I just pulled this thing out today and cleaned off all the nasty attic dust/baby Truman barf. Cecelia loves it.

The exersaucer and hopefully not the dust/barf.

I probably should have washed the fabric seat in the washer but whatevs. 

Should I really be typing and ignoring my daughter while she is in that 'circle of neglect?' Probably not.

But I really want to blog about my list!

We are totally jamming out to 'Of Monsters and Men' on the new surround sound speaker system Nate insisted upon buying.

Love that band.

Hate how the speakers look on the mantle and above the TV.

Fact: I may have thrown a bit of a tantrum about the stupid surround sound purchase because of 1. The money, and 2. The ugliness of the speakers.

I told Nate that it would 'ruin the decor in the whole house.'

Looking back on that statement, I can admit it was highly dramatic and ridiculous. But at the time? Totally made sense in my head.

Surround sound is such a guy thing.

But it is pretty nice for jamming to music while blogging and making googly eyes at my daughter in her huge/offensively bright exersaucer.

Ew, I have black paint all under my nails from spray painting Truman's homemade Halloween costume (pictures and posts to follow! You will die.).

It looks like pure dirt under there. I feel extremely unkempt today.

Haven't showered yet today.

Hoping to work out first.

Not sure when that is going to happen but I'm really on an exercise kick right now.

Seven more pounds to go to reach pre-baby-weight-land.

I might be able to fit into all of my old clothes but these last 7 pounds are enough to give me a tiny muffin top. Not okay.

But part of me still believes my body needs to hang onto at least 5 pounds in order to make food for my baby.

I have the rest of my life to be skinny, I suppose. Now my body's job is to make milk. And lots of it for this milk queen.

(great excuse I tell myself when I don't feel like working out) :)

I could really go for a coffee right now.

Did I mention that I'm back on The Juice (aka caffeine?).

It's amazing. But highly addicting. Did you know that? :)

I wonder if I figured out a way to make a bit of cash from this blog if I could justify a Starbucks run every day?

I got that idea from a blog friend. Fab idea, right? Just reading the word 'Starbucks' on her blog made me crave a coffee.

Let's get real: I still go a solid 2-3 times per week (and we also make coffee at home daily. Expensive, gourmet coffee. We are coffee snobs, for sure). And I have no idea where to start with ads/money-making on the old blog-ster.

And I'm kind of stubborn about that. I figure I've held out this long without doing ads or giveaways or shout-outs to companies. Might as well keep going down the 'basic blogger' path.

Probably should post more than once a week before I consider trying to make money over here, too, huh?

And I'm honestly debating scheduling this post to go up on Monday morning instead of real time on Saturday. Why? Because I know I'll get fewer comments on the weekend and then I'll feel like nobody liked this post.

Who cares, right?

Isn't this blog supposed to be for me/my kids/my family albums?

Yep. Still care about comments even though it's lame.

Hi, I'm 31 years old and have been blogging for 5 years and still feel like I'm in high school sometimes when it comes to social media. That's normal, right?

Can't believe so many people read my blog. I try not to think about it too much or it kind of freaks me out.

And makes me feel like I should be posting amazing stuff to entertain the masses. Mind-blowing, deep, personal, emotional stuff.

Not that my kids aren't amazing, but you know what I mean. Monthly posts and random updates will have to do for now.

Cecelia is now yelling at the tiny green frog on the Exersaucer. Sounds serious. I think she is over him.

She made a killing in the clothes department recently. Like, she now owns more clothes than I do.

I need an intervention when it comes to shopping for her.

So does my mother-in-law:)

Also? My closet totally sucks. I hate everything in there, for reals. Not because the clothes don't fit right (they sort of do, aside from the giant bf'ing boobs). But because it's all so old and gross and boring.

I have a 'wish list' for clothes on my phone. I make this list after my 'nursing and pinning' time at night.

Nate can see the list on his phone, too, and do you know what item he added for me without me knowing it?

'Non-granny panty underwear.'

Real nice, Nate.

I hope I'm not becoming that haggard mom that he always jokes about me becoming.

Not showered? Yup.

Dirty finger nails? Um.

Granny panties? Uh-huh.

Ugly clothes that were cute in 2007? Sigh.

This has to change.

And really? Are there any underwear out there that are comfortable, don't give wedgies, and AREN'T grannies? Cause I can't seem to find anything acceptable and I am not a thong person.

Oh. I just thought of another 'haggard' thing about me: the Four Month Great Hair Loss even has commenced. It's totally disgusting. Definitely didn't forget about this part from the first time.

I bet I could reach back and run my fingers through my hair and come out with about 20 strands.


I know.

I even found a hair in Cecelia's neck fold the other day.

Mine, not hers.

Although she is going through her own little Hair Loss Phase:)

Besides my recent exercise kick, I am also on a mini-van kick.

Does that feed the fire for Nate calling me a lame haggard mom?

Don't care. Mini-vans are so spacious and functional!

Do you know how many kids/car seats/crap you can fit in there? Amazing!

Nate does not agree. He's a mini-van snob. But I really think I can win this battle.

Have you ever seen this video about the 'Swagger Wagon?' Freaking amazing. I die. People tell me that this couple reminds them of Nate and I.

By 'people' I mean my aunt. One person.

Still counts.

We are thinking about making our first 8 hour car ride to Missouri with both kids. And therefore this mini-van discussion came back to the surface.

Yikes. Can you imagine? I'm anxious just typing that.

Also, if we'd def need a mini-van if we have a third kid.

That's a big 'IF', so don't get too excited.

Some days I totally want another baby and other days (usually ones that involve 5 nighttime wake ups, toddler tantrums, baby fussiness, and not enough wine) I would be fine with 'just' two.

Our official stance on the topic of a third is that we will discuss once Cecelia is one.

Cause right now? Our four month old is MORE than enough to keep us busy. And crazy. She makes us crazy a lot of the time.

In a good way, of course.

I love that little stink pot.

And I love being a mom.

Which is why I kind of want a third.

But man, I'm exhausted right now. Not sure I can do the newborn phase again.

(But they are so squishy and perfect and SMELL SO GOOD!)

That was just my 'I want another' side voicing her opinion.

The other 'There's no freaking way' side just sits back and grins as we walk around like zombies.

We'll see who wins eventually.

She's nursing again, in case you were wondering. And not asleep yet.

And the other stinker is napping after a looong morning of playing with me and Grandpa, since Nate is at a course for work all. weekend. long.

So that's great. Not exactly a weekend full of fun family times:(

Oh, and Truman is waking at 5 am for the day again. And not going to bed until 9.

And he's been extra whiny lately. Probably because he, too, is exhausted.


I have an entire post about him drafted---it was supposed to be for his 2.5 month birthday. Which was last month.

And I have a list of things I want to tell you about him but the blog post? Blank. Except for the title.

Motivation, what?

But I do want to tell you that I really dislike Calliou a lot. That's his new show, even more preferred than Thomas. Blech.

He's all whiny and weird and annoying. Can't handle it, so of course Truman wants to watch Calliou being irritating all the time.

Aaaaaand she's sleeping while nursing again.


This is getting a little long so the other things I wanted to blog about (which I can't remember now anyway) will have to wait.

Resisting the urge to put a picture in this post, just in the name of having a picture in each post.

I'm wild today. Not going to add a picture. So there. :)

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