Minggu, 30 Juli 2017

Candle the Elf

We started a new Christmas Tradition this year.
Last year, the day after Christmas, I bought the Elf on Shelf book because it was on major sale.
I thought the idea looked cute & was excited to use it this year.

Every year, I give the girls a pair of new Christmas pajamas for them to wear during the month of December (and Christmas Eve night, of course!) But, this year, they got more than just matching pajamas!

On Sunday, this is what the girls saw when we got home from Uncle Jeff's birthday lunch:
I put a bow around their new Christmas pj's, wrapped 2 presents, had a note from the Elf, and of course, had the Elf sitting among the gifts:
They untied the pj's (matching, of course!)
They are Carter's. Aren't they cute?!?!
We read them the note & then they got to open the 2 presents.
The first present was from Santa saying that they had been good all year & it was the Disney Princess Christmas DVD (Kate always sees the previews of it on her Cinderella DVD & asks for it everytime she sees the preview. I found it for cheap on Ebay!)

Claire was excited also, but not as much as Kate.Then they opened the 2nd wrapped gift, which was the Elf on the Shelf Book!
Kevin read them the book which they weren't too excited about. ha!
What they were excited about was that at the end of the book, you get to name your Elf.
Kate chose the name....she said, His name is CANDLE!
Candle the Elf may or may not have been sitting next to a candle when she named him (see picture above) Way to be creative, Kate! haha!
Then it was time to give Candle his final hugs & then they are not allowed to touch him ever again (says the book)
We placed Candle in a special spot for the day, our Christmas Tree!
Then, every morning, the girls wake up & run downstairs to see where Candle is hiding in our house!
Monday morning, Candle was sitting on top of the Fridge.
Claire spotted him first:
Tuesday, Candle was on the bookshelf above the TV.
On Wednesday, Kate spotted Candle in our shutters!
On Thursday, Candle was climbing up the light fixture above the kitchen table.
This morning, Candle was in my flower arrangement on our wine rack.
(It should be noted that Candle wasn't moved until 4 am this morning. Claire woke up crying & as I got up to get her, Kevin reminded me to go move Candle since we forgot the night before.)

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf?
We are not really mentioning that the Elf is watching them to report back to Santa, we are mostly having fun trying to find him each morning.

It has been a fun new Christmas Tradition!
Can't wait to see where Candle ends up tomorrow morning....I hope I don't forget to move him again!

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