Rabu, 11 Januari 2017

Weekend in review

Whew, what a fun weekend. Wanna see some pictures of our fun [besides the numerous projects]?

We went to The Riverfront Pizzeria for some awesome pizza. Here is the crew, thrilled because I asked a random person to snap our picture before we devoured pizza. I forgot how awkward that is for everyone involved and I used to pull that move ALL the time in college.
Mom came bearing gifts, of course. She got us matching pajamas! Mine in pink and hers in blue but both providing extra long inseams. Never mind that the shirts make us look slightly pregnant---we are going for the comfy look.
Ah yes, more gifts wrapped in coordinating papers. We should have guessed.
Yankee Candles!! And enough for one in each room! I am absolutely obsessed with these candles and rarely splurge on them for myself. So Mom went all out and now our new duplex smells like a little slice of heaven [ or peaches, but whatev].
Henry got a new toy as well. His is the long bone version of a tennis ball and let's just say he won't let this baby out of his sight. I LOVE when dogs use their paws like hands.

We also spent a lot of time chatting, drinking coffee and tea, watching HGTV, went for a walk in the 34 degree weather [so proud of us Missouri girls!], went to church, and Mom gave me some awesome foot rubs. She's the best and I'm going to miss her! Come again soon, Mom!

****update: I totally forgot to add that we rented the movie "Across the Universe" Saturday night and is was pretty sweet. And by 'sweet' I mean it made me vow to avoid LSD, psychedelic mushrooms, and acid for the rest of my life. There was seriously an entire scene that represented a major trip on some sort of illegal drugs and it was pretty creepy. Weird stuff, I tell you. But the music was unbeatable, the main actor was totally adorable with his English accent, and it was a good love story. We WANTED to rent "August Rush" but apparently it's not out yet. But I'll take any chick flick I can get these days!****

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