Rabu, 25 Januari 2017

Christmas Card 2010

I don't know about you, but one of my favorite things about Christmas is getting Christmas Cards! Each day when the mail comes, I excitedly run to the mailbox to see what cards arrive!
And, I also love making & designing Cards, so that was one of the main reasons I started my etsy shop last year.

I always find that designing my own families' card is the hardest. I like to create a new design for our card each year (rather than use a design I already have).

This year I was (surprisingly) on the ball & designed ours and ordered them during Thanksgiving Break. I was able to mail them out on December 1st (my goal is always the first week of December).

I REALLY loved last year's card, and knew it would be hard to top, but I was really happy with how this year's card turned out!

Here is our 2010 Christmas Card:
{Inside Spread}
Close up of Inside Spread
{left side}
Close up of Inside Spread
{right side}
{Back of Card}
Since we moved earlier this year & I never sent out New Address Cards, I used the back of the card to include our new address (which is blurred out on the blog version)
{a one sided version of this card will be coming to my Etsy shop soon!}

I had fun using non-traditional colors...I am really loving the brown/aqua/mustard color combo that is so popular right now. It worked out perfectly because I designed the card to match the outfits that we wore.

What about you....
Do you send Holiday Cards?
Are you like me & do you eagerly wait for the mail to come each day during the month of December in anticipation of getting Holiday Cards?

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