Senin, 30 Januari 2017

Project 320

In less than 2 weeks, I am road tripping to Southern California with my friends Heather G & Heather M.
We are meeting up with Julie, Marta and Erin.

Five outstanding & inspiring women who are giving,
caring and kind and live their lives for the Lord.

I am taking a road trip with 2 friends to meet 3 women I have never met!
This is so out of the box & random for me.
Why am I doing this?
Because I get to be a part of something WONDERFUL.

Project 320

Julie's AMAZING idea:
Raise $5,000 for charity:water.

$5,000 fully funds a well in Africa.
A well that can save 500 lives.
Change an entire village.

The goal is to collect 100 handmade and heartfelt items.
Divide them into 10 prize bundles.
Have five days of giveaways.
Two bundles of prizes featured each day.
But not just the "enter, enter, enter, get, get, get" type of giveaways.
More of a raffle.
Each $10 donation to charity:water equals one entry.

Readers can choose their favorite prize bundle or bundles, donate and then put their names in the drawing to win.
We have our own website so entrants can donate directly to the well and we all can track and celebrate the progress.

If you have an Etsy shop great! What wonderful advertising. Your shop will be linked and featured in each post that includes one of your prize donations.

If you don't have an Etsy shop, but thought about opening one? What a great excuse!
Or, what if you just love to use your hands to create something?
You are so welcome to!
Even if you aren't able to donate anything handmade, you can donate other things also!

What if you donated a Starbucks card?
Or someone donates a necklace?
How about a Target card ?

Julie lives her life by this verse:
"Now glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope."
Ephesians 3:20

Julie has a blog ready to go to host the giveaways and showcase all of the participants.
Please follow this blog as she is about to post some wonderful things!

So in less than two weeks, when I am in So Cal, we will combine all of the wonderful donations and divide them into packages and prepare the blog posts together.
A perfect weekend full of sewing, blogging, eating and FUN.....

The giveaway week is scheduled to run December 14th-18th
with the winners announced on the 21st.

All prize donations will need to be at Julie's house by December 10th.
I know that doesn't give you a ton of time and life is crazy hectic right now.

But you can do it!
If you live by me I can take any donations with me to So Cal.
Just make sure I have your items by Thursday December 10th!

Be sure to send business cards and/or your blog address with the package so we can properly link you and thank you.

Contact me for Julie's address if you would like to send your donations!
And thank you for being a part of Julie's wonderful idea to make this
world a better place.

To learn more about how the non-profit organization charity:water got started, watch this amazing video:

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