Rabu, 11 Januari 2017

Insta January

Happy Friday!
It's Insta Friday which means you can see what we have been up to the past few weeks!
We have had unusually warm weather this January which means the girls have been playing a ton outside. This girl loves to chalk.
Have you had these Chocolate Croissants from Trader Joes?
This girl is totally obsessed with her Tangled Wig & Dress. She wears it almost everyday. The wig is a rats nest now. That didn't stop her from wearing it to a princess party last weekend.
Sigh. Friday Night Lights.
It's an obsession, I tell you.
We got the entire series for Christmas & have been staying up WAY too late watching it.
We are on Season 3 & we have a new rule that we will only watch it on the weekend so that we don't stay up late during the week watching it! Can't wait to watch it tonight!!!
Someone was being sneaky & had some fun with the camera.
Guess who beat the Saints last week!?!?!?
My 49ers!!!!! Who Dat? WE DAT!
Such an awesome game!!! Can't wait for the NFC Championship this Sunday! Go Niners!!!
Our neighbors dropped off Krispy Kreme donuts on our doorstep over the weekend!
I LOVE our court!!!It FINALLY rained here this week. It hadn't rained in months!!!! So thankful for the rain.
The girls had fun playing inside & building little forts & playing with dolls.
I LOVE rainy days!
Someone has a birthday party this weekend, so I have been busy with party prep this week!
Kate picked out some flowers at the store for her party:
Helping me with party decorations:
I even busted out my sewing machine!
Can you guess what kind of party she is having?
Getting the favors ready:
Kate has been so opinionated with this party planning & it has been so fun.
Can't wait to tell you all about the party next week!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Linking up:
life rearranged

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