Minggu, 20 Agustus 2017
10 on 10 July 2014
10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

Today was your typical Summer day and it was glorious.
Here is a sneak peak of what we were up to:
Starting my day off with Coffee & Jesus Calling:
Breakfast time! Luke loves helping with things, especially carrying his plate to the table (and putting things away)
Can't believe he will be TWO in a month!
Watering my garden this morning....my tomatoes are turning red! So exciting!

After swim practice, we headed to the Sprint store because I needed to get a new phone. My old iPhone was almost 2 years old and the battery would only last an hour. I had to constanstly keep it plugged in & charging. So annoying! We were eligible for new phones, so we both got the 5s. My kids were troopers & were at the store for almost 2 hours with me!
Got home & it was time for Luke's nap, so that meant it was pool time for the girls & reading time for me!

Finished it tonight. Starting Allegiant tomorrow! Have you read this series?
My little fish. They just love being in the pool.

Dinner Prep. Chopping up Squash & Zucchini that I picked this morning.

Tri Tip, Roasted Veggies, Cantelope & Blueberries and of course wine. Always wine.
It was a great summer day. I just love the lazy dog days of summer.
Hope you had a great 10th!
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