Selasa, 08 Agustus 2017

10 on 10 January 2015

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button

It's the first 10 on 10 for 2015! And, it fell on a Saturday!
We had no plans on Saturday morning, so it was a nice lazy morning.
I made a pancake breakfast with bacon of course!
Not just any kind of bacon....BROWN SUGAR BACON!!!!!
Have you had it before? YUM!
Here is what the package looks like....go get some! It's made by Hormel & it's amazing!
Lots of coffee on this morning. Lots. While reading this book. Have you read it yet?!?
Luke got a Train tent for Christmas & all 3 of them love to run around the house shouting "Choo Choo"
Checking out our tree in our's producing for the first time! These are "cutie" oranges. So delicious!
I spent some time getting organized for Kate's 8th birthday that is coming up in 2 weeks! Her birthday always sneaks up on me because it's less than a month after Christmas.  Love the theme she picked. It should be a fun party!
Kevin is building me some shelves for one of our closets, so since it was such a nice sunny day (65 degrees!) I put on the first layer of paint:
Then, Kate had a horse back riding birthday party, so her and I went to that. So gorgeous!!!!!
 Ran a few errands....Kevin needs some new vans.
We headed to Saturday night church. I love that our church has a Saturday night service. Sometimes it's nice to go on Saturday nights instead of Sunday mornings!
For dinner I made Pepperoni Calzones! This is one of my go-to recipes...I need to blog it!
 There you have it...a peek into our Saturday! 
Hope you had a great weekend!

Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger

Disclosure: This post was written as part of my participation in the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. While Hormel Foods provides me material and necessary resources to complete various activities, the thoughts and statements in this post are my own.

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