Minggu, 02 Juli 2017
Nineteen Weeks
Two things this week's fruit reminds me of: 1. The hilarious SNL skit with Mango (Mahhhhngo), and 2. The most awesome clothing store I visited in Spain, besides Zara:

Meh. Still not TRULY looking pregnant. But dang, all of a sudden I have the lower back sway I swore I'd avoid, don't I?
So what's new this week in the pregnancy front? Let's see...my uterus (from here on to be called the 'ute') is big. I mean, seriously, when I lay down flat it pops out a bit. In between my two hip bones used to be a land of nothingness, sinking downward, empty. And now? A little mound of hardened ute muscles. Weird, huh? And plus, when I poke around I can feel the top of it pretty substantially right under my belly button. Sometimes it's harder than others, almost like it's doing some sort of crunches on it's own. Creepy and cool, no?
Baby is still kicking up a storm, except Saturday night and into Sunday I had a minor panic attack because I couldn't remember the babe kicking too much since Friday. I began speaking in soothing tones to my abdomen, rubbing it, and then I even borrowed one cup of Nate's 'real' coffee on Sunday morning to light a fire under baby's butt. That didn't work, of course, but a few hours later the babe started moving around again with abandon, as if to say, 'Look lady, you are a total psycho and I'm fine in here. Just resting. Why don't you do the same while you can?' And that was my stint with a near-meltdown THIS week. Many more to come, I'm sure.
Speaking of meltdowns, guess what I did ALL FREAKING SATURDAY LONG? I painted the nursery! Alone! In a well-ventilated, freezing cold nursery room while blaring Miley Cyrus and Brittney Spears. Not sure many mature mommies-to-be crank Miley and Brit while painting nurseries but I guess I'm one big oxymoron.
I was too excited to sleep in on Saturday morning, so I was up and prepping the room by 8 am. Nate had to work and I was all over this project, literally counting down the hours until I could transform this sucker into my vision. I slapped on the first streak of paint at 9:15 and finished the second coat, finishing trim, and inside of the window box by.........3:30. Three-freaking-thirty in the afternoon. For a miniature nursery. Are you serious?
Anyway, Nate and I picked out the color on Friday night and I'm so glad he went with me to be my sanity. I could NOT decide between all of the shades of aqua and finally Nate just grabbed this swatch out of my hand (as 15 others fluttered to the ground) and announced Rushing Stream to be the color of our nursery.
(I paired it with the pink in the rug because all day I was feeling like baby is a girl, and I will totally pull this shade of pink in the room if so). We also used the "Cool Rain" darker shade inside of the window box.
So here we go...
My 'helper' ready to work hard, of course:
And the after...
The darker shade of the window box doesn't 'pop' as much as I had hoped but I honestly do not care at this point. I am SO done painting for a while.
Isn't it just glorious with the rug?
And the crib? All of a sudden it looks so fancy-shmancy with the aqua walls, no? It's almost like a Tiffany blue I guess but not quite. Rich for sure, just like my $40 crib.
And really, with the old vintage style of the whole room, I think the shade works well. I was SO worried about the natural wood with a bright color but really....I love it!
So let us remember the humble beginnings of the nursery (former guest room) by looking at awful panoramic shots. Before:
And the current 'during':
Totally psychedelic rug, man. And I'm not sure why the wall color looks so cold here but whatev. You get the idea. Do you likey? Are you envisioning the big picture with fun bold bedding, curtains, window seat cushion, and artwork? Sigh.
So hello to 19 weeks: minor panic attacks, near meltdowns involving painting for six hours, Rushing Stream aqua, and only ONE MORE WEEK until the big ultrasound! Whoo hoo!
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