Rabu, 26 Juli 2017


Well, it definitely wasn't our most extravagant Christmas ever. Our funds aren't exactly like they used to be. So guess what that means? Yup, handmade Christmas fun!!

Here are a few shots of my "family wedding" frames for my Mom and Memaw:
Here is what I printed for Memaw since she had one less picture [my Dad's parents weren't included in her frame.]Both my Mom and Memaw loved them! Family tree information is so freaking cool. My Mom has researched a lot of it for us, and although these measly little frames are not profound, they are still pretty special.

So on to our MAJOR gift: Wedding albums!! [Lois, if you are reading this look away NOW. You haven't gotten your gift yet and I want it to be a surprise!!!]

I decided to stay old fashioned with this and make a traditional album for Memaw, Mom and Lois. I had our photographer print up 100 photos and used those shots for the albums. I anticipated these three albums taking me three months, so I started in October. But alas, I was finished with all of them before November. I guess it was more fun than I thought!
I found these adorable fabric-covered 8X8 albums at a local scrapbooking store. Normally I'd splurge on a high-end Kolo album or something similar, but I loved these and they were inexpensive. The green one belongs to Lois, pink to my Mom, and white to Memaw. I added some of my veil lace to my Mom's album just because I know she likes the extra frill:)

Here are a few pictures of the pages I made. They really aren't too special, but I tried to keep them simple to showcase the photograph. One per page, and they all have photo corners in place so that the girls can remove the photo and frame them if they so desire. I did this instead of selecting photos to frame----now they can just choose the shots they like, and frame them without me! Ignore the glare from the flash here. Taking pictures of pictures never seems to work out, right?

So far, so good. Both Memaw and Mom got a little teary eyed with these, mostly because I was mean and added some sappy quotes throughout the albums. Sayings like, "I'll always be your daughter, no matter where I roam" will always get them:)

I highly recommend making wedding albums for family members, if you have the time and energy. No matter how long it takes they are always appreciated. I think Memaw already showed her album to half of her town. No pressure or anything, right?

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