Selasa, 28 Februari 2017
Flashback Friday Halloween Edition
1981: Mickey Mouse (age 2)
I am 2.5. My mom didn't have ANY pictures of my first 2 Halloweens!!!
She didn't even remember what she dressed me up as for those. I am such the 2nd child.
At least she took a picture of this gem. Isn't my costume great?
Red pj's, yellow rainboots & a plastic Mickey Mouse mask. Classy!

Gotta love the plastic costume. These were all the rage in the 80's!
I have no idea what I was SINCE THERE ARE NO PICTURES on Halloween, but here is one of me carving a pumpkin.

My mom made my poodle skirt.
And, check me out with my awesome squash project. I won 2nd place in my elementary school's contest. I won a free ice cream cone at the snack shack.
Me and 10 of my friends dressed up as the Guy's soccer team at our high school. We borrowed their practice jersey's & shorts.
I am in the back row, 3rd from the left with the long hair!
(I was 6 months preggo with Kate)
Kevin is dressed up as a corporate softball player if you can't tell.
I wanted him to go as a priest, but that might have offended some people...

2008: Dog & Cat
Kate the Poodle:

2009: Stay Tuned.....
Senin, 27 Februari 2017
House anyone

35 weeks A honeydew melon
Thirty-Five weeks: 4.25.12
Photo Thoughts: Definitely getting lazy over here with 'self portraits in mirrors' lately. No time or energy to get Nate and T in on it, let alone go outside for a photo shoot. Maybe sometime in the next 5 weeks that will happen again. Also, my belly is big and veiny.
Size of baby: A honeydew melon according to BC, or a butternut squash according to TB. Pretty darn big. And just so you know, this week's melon was SUPER expensive at $5 but I am so freaking close to finishing this frickin project, I splurged anyway. Aren't you proud? I don't even like melons.
Cravings: Still getting that overly full feeling after every meal. But come on, like THAT really stops me from enjoying all food:) This week I was really into juice. You know, the frozen concentrate kind that we buy for Truman as a 'treat'? Yeah, I'm downing it all by myself. The Strawberry/Apple/Banana flavor is my fave.
What I love: Being so freaking close to the end! Giant belly. Huge kicks. Marveling at what my body can do to grow this little girl. Did I ever mention that I love being pregnant?
What I'm looking forward to the most: Having her. Plain and simple. Isn't that a given for this point in my pregnancy?
Worries: Still nervous about my BP acting a fool in the next few weeks. Also, on Thursday (April 26, the day before my birthday) I have an OB appointment which would normally be really exciting for me. But instead, if you do recall, that is the exact day that we had our bad ultrasound with Wren last year and so I have a lot of anxiety and worries flooding back to me about that time in our lives. I know this is a different pregnancy and we are most likely going to meet a healthy baby in a matter of weeks. But this big 'anniversary' is a tough one, still. I also worry that she is hiccuping too much again and one day I even thought she flipped around breech because her hiccups were literally under my ribs instead of being down by my crotch. I've also had a few times when I....ahem....leak a bit after peeing and although I'm sure it's just left-over pee, I still wonder if it could be a slow water break of sorts. Ugh. So many worries, so little time.Very glad I get weekly appointments with my OB now, if nothing else but to ease my troubled mind.
What is different this time around: I love that I kept a blog with Truman because I'm dying over these posts---so many memories! Last time I was already dealing with high BP, we had just finished up the last of our 5 showers, I was getting ready for my maternity pictures with Andrea, and I was feeling more tired. This time we've obviously had no showers and (thankyougod) no high BP issues, but I am definitely feeling more tired lately. And I think my belly might still be a little bigger this time around but I don't know---that 35 week shot from last time is no joke, either! Maybe this is the 'point' in my pregnancies where I really do start to look 'huge' and somewhat normal in the belly bump department. I sort of love it though.
Symptoms: Upper belly pain, sharp kicks in the ribs, very uncomfortable while sitting because of my upper back and belly, difficulty getting up from the ground or from laying down, and for about the third time ever, I actually woke up in the middle of the night to pee. Can you believe that I've lucked out in that department and really don't have to wake up for the nightly treks to the bathroom? Well, I almost peed myself one night at about 4 am and it felt SO good to make that potty trip. Maybe this means little girl is getting bigger and heavier on top of my bladder. But I really do think my bladder must be made of steel because everyone else I know has to make numerous trips to pee at this point. Not me! Should I worry about this? (wink wink)
Sleep: Still good, but last week it was a little more rough just because Truman had a cold and was up each night for a few hours. Which made me REALLY tired and then subsequently frightened. Because seriously, waking up one time for a few hours in a night? Nothing compared to what lies ahead and I was in a really bad mood each morning from lack of sleep. I hope I can toughen up a lot before she arrives!
Movement: Crazy girl is all over the place. I definitely see a pattern in her movements though---not much in the morning but then by mid afternoon she is a nut and in the evenings/middle of the night she won't slow down, either.
The belly: Gigantic (for me). Love it.
Milestones: 35 weeks down and 35 days to go, means I'm at that glorious 35/35 milestone!! Apparently my uterus has now grown to '1000 times it's regular size' which is both fascinating and kind of appalling. I mean, where do all of the other organs go?? As a human anatomy lover, this part of pregnancy astounds me. Baby girl is 17-18 inches long and 4-6 pounds now. She won't get a whole lot longer but will fatten up from here on out. And supposedly her hearing is totally finished developing now, too. Sounds like a real baby in there!
Amusing comments from the general public: I can't think of any doozies from this week, but I didn't really work too much with my family in town all weekend. And of course they only had nice things to say about my size because they are family and know I'm really sensitive to being 'too small'. I did have one guy say, 'OH, are we expecting?' while rubbing his belly. When I said that I am, indeed pregnant, he said 'with a girl, I see.' Um, yes. But I find that very weird that a random dude can tell she is a girl in there without me confirming that. I guess there is a 50/50 chance to guess right, but now that I think of it a lot of people have said things like that before. Very odd.
Best moment of the week: I spent all weekend with my mom, my dad, and my Aunt from Texas working on house projects. Many more blog posts in the works but we had a SUPER productive weekend and lots of Roman shades to show for it! Also, I bought my second round of adorable baby girl clothes for miss lady. This means she will NOT be naked for the first few days of her life, although her wardrobe still has a lot more room to grow. I got about 17 different items for $50 at this amazing consignment sale and am loving it all. Not only did I buy her outfits, but I got the first pack of newborn disposable diapers, a crib sheet, a trash can for diapers, and splurged on some Aden and Anais swaddle blankets (something I always wanted for Truman). This means that I'm about 1000x more prepared for her than I was last week. Combine this shopping with the fact that I painted her crib, reassembled it, set up the brand new rocker we ordered, and started putting things into her dresser and closet? I'm feeling SO much better about our preparedness. Still many things to do in the next 5ish weeks, but man---looking into her nursery and seeing all of her furniture in there is priceless. I'm feeling so proud of myself for finally getting prepared that I even made out a 'hospital bag list' on my phone---starting to think about what I'll need to take with me. Talk about making this whole thing VERY real!!
Since I've never even had an excuse to post anything 'fun' or 'baby-prep related' in these weekly posts yet (since it's been all house business and bland), wanna see a sneak peek of nursery things? I wish I was ready for a final reveal but since I literally JUST started on her nursery this week, I guess that will have to wait.
Her Roman shades my mom made (LOVE):
The amazing quilt my mom sewed for her! Who loves chevrons?? I wish this picture did it justice...
A sneak peak at her PINK painted crib (a project I actually did myself!):
I so want to post more pictures of my little project but want to wait for a 'final reveal' to really get your heart rates going with all that pink. :) Plus painting it was a lot more work than I thought, so I think a separate 'how to' post is a must, don't you?
And finally: the new badass glider and ottoman that are seriously blowing my mind.
Yes, they were a major splurge but oh, so worth it. I could (and should) do a whole post on this bad boy. Perhaps when I do the official nursery reveal post I'll spill more deets if you care. But for now just know that it's the Baby Letto Nara glider with the Kyoto ottoman in Ecru both purchased from My Urban Child with free shipping and an additional 10% (discovered by my deal-hunting husband after lots of research). SCORE. This is the most comfortable, highest back rocker I've ever had the pleasure of sitting upon. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find an upholstered rocker/glider that is cute, less than $1000, and has a tall back? This was the one 'new' thing I really wanted for this nursery--a comfortable, tall back rocker that would let us rest our tall heads on it during the countless hours of rocking baby girl. With Truman's nursery we just used an old wooden rocker that I repainted and made cute cushions for, but it was never really that comfortable and I couldn't effectively rest my head on the back. And now that we have a rocking ottoman to go with this glider, I am literally in heaven. We plan to move our beloved glider and ottoman to the main living area when she is finished with her rocker because it's very modern and not at all 'babyish', in my opinion. Okay, so I just posted all of the details you'd ever need. Whatever. Can you tell I am obsessed?
And a few of the most adorable outfits I snagged at the sale, which are all washed and packed into the appropriate drawers!
Could you die? I could. I never knew the wonders of shopping for girl clothes but wow, it's so much easier to find them over cute boy outfits!
How's that for an informative post? Belly shots, updated on the pregnancy, pictures of her nursery AND clothes? I deserve a nap. :)
My little baby born potty training boy
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Minggu, 26 Februari 2017
one month birthday
April 1 = Truman's one month birthday! To celebrate we went to the pediatrician for his one month check up and baby boy now weighs 10 lbs 3 oz and is in the 61st percentile for his weight. What a little chunker! At his one week appointment he was only in the 25th percentile overall and now he averages at 50% with height, weight, and head circumference thrown in there so he's definitely shown major growth. The doc was very pleased with little T-man and had no concerns. I had the Lactation Consultant watch a feeding to make sure T's hour long feeding sessions aren't due to poor latch but basically, he is still a champ with breastfeeding and is just really hungry:) Okay then!
After that we stopped by the daycare I have picked out for Truman to show my mom the place, drop off some paperwork and introduce Truman to the caregivers. They all loved him of course and even though it's going to be really hard on me to leave him when I go back to work, I know he is going to love it. It's a great place and my Mom even approved:)
Just to push our luck a bit, we made a final stop at my work. My co-workers loved seeing him and he did great the whole time just to prove that he's a social butterfly:)
So what has mister social been up to this week? Oh, nothing. Just hanging around in cute outfits being adorable. I have found that his newborn clothes are getting way too tight so I'm trying to get them into the rotation while I can, and this little orange and brown outfit is one of my faves:
Nate thought we should try out the Bumbo seat and Henry was intrigued...
No idea how a 4 weeker is able to sit in this seat already but he did it somehow!
And let's not forget that Missouri Grandma is doing some MAJOR spoiling all week:
Of course, we've had countless photo sessions...and this was the first day I put him in a 0-3 outfit and it fit perfectly! Now he can stretch out his legs straight again. Also, please note what it says on his outfit. Typical!
What 'chu lookin at?
Little mouth...
Chunky cheeks...
And now I present to you a series called 'The Many Faces of Truman':
My new favorite picture of T-man.
Those cheeks make my heart flutter.
He is obviously thrilled with his new outfit and his fatty crotch area proves he's being cloth diapered! :)
I tried to show off his cloth diapered butt in this pic but he was pretty unhappy with me for exposing his bare chest, mister modest:)
Me and my little peanut.
Another favorite outfit in size 3 months!
It matches his nursery, duh.
And I've been meaning to make Truman's monthly onesies for some time now but just got around to designing these in Photoshop. I will use iron-on transfer paper and take a picture of him wearing the appropriate number on each monthly birthday. Can't wait to see how much he changes in the next year!
The really typical and hilarious thing is that once I ironed on the 'one month' patch, I realized that my baby boy is WAY too big for the 0-3 Gerber onesie I bought him. So to get it over his head we had to REALLY stretch it out and thus, my beloved iron-on got all kinds of stretch marks on it. Plus he was totally ticked at me for these pics, I missed the natural light of day, and overall the shots turned out pretty bad. Gotta love it!
Happy birthday, baby boy!