Rabu, 28 Juni 2017


My boss called me yesterday evening. Apparently the hospital is swamped and we needed extra help today. So instead of basking in the glory of my pseudo-weekend, I agreed to work today for four hours. Not that I wanted to sacrifice part of my free time but I'm a big fat pushover when it comes to stuff like this. I don't want to disappoint people and I'd feel WAY too guilty saying, "No, I cannot work because I need a full 48 hour break from that place." If I didn't go in today I would have sat around and felt really bad for the other therapists busting their butts while I leisurely unpacked my life. Is that pathetic or what?

Because seriously, let's review for a minute: I worked every day last week except Friday, which was busier and more stressful than a work day. Then I worked both Saturday and Sunday, then Monday, Thursday, Friday and I'm also working this Saturday. Overtime pay is cool and all but I don't want to burn myself out, either. I need to find a career that allows me to 'work from home.' I could totally handle staying in my pajamas all day while taking TV/Computer breaks. I know the grass is always greener but seriously, this is ridiculous.

I decided that I'm going to suck it up and pay for a nice vacation for our one year anniversary [Memorial Day weekend]. I've already asked for time off but I considered just staying home and lounging around to save money. But now I realize we NEED to get away and we deserve a vacation. The budget will just have to absorb a little trip for once. Life is too short, right? I'm going to repeat this phrase while purchasing plane tickets.

Any ideas? We were thinking of Boston or Napa Valley because we've never been to either place. Now let's not get carried away here, ladies, I don't want to spend an arm and a leg or anything. Just a nice little breather with my hubby for a few days to celebrate the first year of our marriage. So who wants to be our travel agent? Is Boston warm enough in May [because I'm totally not into a cold destination]? And is Napa really THAT expensive?

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