Jumat, 02 Juni 2017

10 on 10 October 2015

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!} ten on ten button

7 years ago on October 10, 2008, I participated with 10 on 10 for the very first time.
It was super small & only a handful of people even knew about it.
My blog was only 2 months old and I thought it was such a fun idea to document my day every hour for 10 hours. My little Claire Bear was only 1 month old.
 Since that very first time I did 10 on 10, I was hooked.
For the past SEVEN years, every month, I have documented the 10th day of the month.
I haven't missed a month yet!!!
I have been a couple days late posting my 10 on 10 (like this month) but I have still documented the 10th of each month. Sometimes life just gets busy & I don't have time to post on the actual 10th.
Which leads me to October 10, 2015....this day was a rough day.
You see, on Tuesday the 6th one of my neighbors had a heart attack in front of his house while he was doing yard work. Myself and 2 other neighbors were the first ones there because his wife was screaming for help. 
We called 911, Paramedics came & tried to resisitate him and took him to the hospital, but he didn't make it.
 Most of you know how tight knit our court is, we are like family. I'm still a bit traumatized along with being totally heartbroken. 
His funeral was on Saturday the 10th and it took up most of our day.
The service was at 11am, the graveside burial was at 1pm and then the reception was at 2pm.
I took 10 pictures on the 10th, but it was a crazy day & emotional day, so as I looked back at the photos that night, I decided that I wanted a "do-over" for 10 on 10. I decided that I would do 11 on 11 and document October 11th for this round of 10 on 10. I have never done that before, but decided it's my blog I can do what I want ;)
So....here is my 10 on 10 for October 2015 which is really 11 on 11 :)
I woke up early on Sunday because I was running a 10K...I needed to drink a cup of coffee before my run because if I didn't I would get a caffeine headache during my run! 
My friend Jackie & I at the starting line of our 10K. She is also doing the Nike 1/2 marathon with me in a week!
I haven't done a race in almost 20 years, so it felt good to get a race in before our 1/2 marathon!
It was so fun. I loved doing this 10K. My run felt great & I finished in 50 minutes so I was happy with that!

While I was running a measly 6.2 miles, my older sister Elyse ran 26.2 miles in the Chicago Marathon...she finished in 4:04...so amazing!!' She ran it for Team World Vision to raise money for clean water in Africa. She personally raised over $6000 So incredibly proud of her! The girls wore their team world vision shirts in honor of my sister!

After I got home from my race, Kevin and I worked in our garden. We ripped some plants out & trimmed a ton of our tomatoes back....we are still getting tomatoes, so that is why we didn't rip them out.

 Check out our harvest of Early Girl Tomatoes...in October! So Crazy!
I was starving from the race & doing yardwork, so I wanted a good sandwich for lunch. I picked up a sandwich from one of our favorite spots....it was a halal chicken sandwich with ranch & BBQ sauce...so good!
After lunch, the kids and I headed to San Francisco with my dad to watch the Blue Angels because it's Fleet Week in San Francisco!
 My parents used to take me to see the Blue Angels when I was growing up & I have never taken my kids, so it was fun to take them!
When we got home, the kids played outside...Luke is obsessed with his gator tractor!
My Japanese Maple is starting to turn red! Signs of Fall here in California! It has been in the 90s the past week, but I was happy to see one branch starting to turn red!
 Sunday night we watched the 49er game (we lost in the last seconds!!) & while we watched I iced my foot (I have been feeling good, but after my 12 mile run last weekend, the next day, the outside of my right foot had constant pain & it has been continual all week) I have been icing & taking Advil to help with swelling. If it still hurts after the 1/2 marathon, I will go to the doctor to get it checked out.
 So, there you have it...my 11 on 11 for this month's 10 on 10.
Hope you had a great weekend!

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