Sabtu, 17 Juni 2017

10 on 10 May 2012

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

Today was a busy day at school, we are in the middle of state testing, so no pictures allowed at school! Here is a snapshot of my day before & after school!

{New shoes that make her run "fast"}
Blooming:{Just planted my zinnias last week. They make me smile!}
{It was sunny out & I didn't have my sunglasses in my car, so I wore Kate's}
{A staple in this pregnancy...Bagels!}
{Grow, Garden, Grow!}
{Taking my girls out for a special treat!}
{26.5 week bump!}

{Trying to decide what color to paint our bedroom...would love any suggestions. I am looking for a blueish grayish color. Have a color you love? Please share it with me!}
{Ducks in a row during bath time}
Linking up here!
ten on ten button

Hope you had a great 10th!
I am so, so, so happy that the weekend is almost here.
It has been a looooong & busy week.
School has been crazy busy, our house has been crazy with construction & Kevin has been working like crazy, over 70 hours a week the past few weeks.
Weekend, come quickly!

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