Selasa, 02 Mei 2017
That Time Luke Smeared Poop All Over His Crib And Ate It
So. Yeah.
I had a rookie mothering moment earlier this week.
The problem is I am not a rookie mom.
This ain't my first rodeo. It's my third.
But, it's my first time as a "boy mom" and by golly, I sure got initiated into the Boy Mom Club this week.
Let me set the scene...but first a little background info.
Every morning when Luke wakes up, he happily plays in his crib with his toys for at least 30 minutes.
He never cries, just talks to himself and plays.
It's summer, so I will gladly stay in bed a little bit longer.
Also, because it's summer and hot out, many times I won't put pj's on Luke, and he will just sleep/nap in his diaper. No big deal. We have a 2 story house, so our upstairs can get pretty warm.
It's Monday morning around 8 am. Luke was happily playing in his crib and the girls get up for the morning. I go into Luke's room to bring him downstairs and get breakfast started.
What I saw (and smelt) when I walked into his room was POOP.
All over his body. He was naked. (It was hot that night, he just slept in a diaper)
Where was the diaper? It was off. It was EMPTY. No Poop left in the diaper.
The poo was everywhere.
My beautiful baby boy looked like he had taken a mud bath. But it was poop.
Smeared all over his body. On his face. In his hair. Clumps of poop in his hands.
Poop on the sheet. Poop on his bumper. Poop on the crib slats. Poop on the wall.
To Luke, the poop was merley finger paint and he was the artist.
He was smiling & laughing, happily sucking on his pacifier....
His his mouth...WAS COVERED IN POOP.
Then I really panicked.
I grabbed the pacifer out of his mouth. (And, gagged)
Ran to the bathroom & got a washcloth to wipe out his mouth.
I am not sure how much poop he actually got in his mouth....he was playing in his crib for a while.
But, he definitely had some in his mouth.
I washed out his mouth & then got in the shower with him.
Poop all over both of us. I cleaned us both up, got him dressed and then had the girls watch him while I went back to his room to clean up the rest of the mess.
And, a mess it was. Poop covered toys went in the trash.
His crib bedding & bumper when into the wash.
I used almost a whole container of Lysol wipes on his crib and the wall by his crib.
Who knew an 11 month old's poopy diaper could make that big of a mess?!?!
You are lucky this is the photo I am showing. I have ones that are much, much, much worse.
I will spare you. You're Welcome ;)
As I was cleaning, I started panicking about the fact that Luke for sure got poop in his mouth.
I will spare you. You're Welcome ;)
As I was cleaning, I started panicking about the fact that Luke for sure got poop in his mouth.
After I cleaned up, I went straight to the doctor. And by doctor, I mean google.
Things I googled that morning:
"My baby ate poop"
"Can a baby die from eating his own poop?"
"Sicknesses from my baby eating his own poop"
"Is baby poop poisonous?"
Never thought I would google those phrases.
And, it''s comforting that other people have asked the same things.
Luke isn't the only baby who has eaten poop.
The good news is that it has been 48 hours and Luke seems fine.
He hasn't shown any signs of poop poisoning. Ha!

I think it's safe to say that his is fine.
I am the one that is scared from the morning's events.
So, what is the moral of this story?
1. Always put pajamas on your baby, even if it's just a onesie. If it's hot & in the summer, at least put on a onesie....less chance of them taking their diaper off & smearing poop everywhere if they have to get the onesie off first.
2. Get a video monitor so I can see what Luke is doing when he "plays" in his crib each morning.
3. Get out of bed when you hear that your baby is awake in the morning. Even if he is "playing" and happy in the crib, the few extra minutes of sleep aren't worth it. Cleaning up poop is no fun. Neither is eating poop.
Monday morning will always be remembered as Poop-a-poolza 2013.
I hope to never experience that again.
Motherhood. It humbles you. That's for sure.
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