Sabtu, 25 Maret 2017

the big girls meet brady

our sweet baby boy made his arrival one week ago today.. and it still feels like a dream.  I'm working on Brady's birth story, and even though its probably the least entertaining birth story you'll ever read, its a lot of emotion and a lot of words for me to form together into a single post.
 I've wanted to share this first meeting with Brady and his big sisters the moment we got them back from Brittany.  I'll never forget the instant well of my eyes and burst of my heart when I saw those little girl feet from under the privacy curtain as they walked into the hospital room.  Baker was the perfect height to that curtain and squatted down a little bit and caught eyes with me.
the BIGGEST grin spread across her face as she said "hi mama".

I burst into tears before they even laid eyes on Brady.  
my four babies, finally together for the first time.

it had been a hell of a 48 hours for me after my third csection the day before.. I was so sick and I finally got dressed out of my hospital gown and was relieved of most of my IV lines just minutes before the girls arrived but still could hardly stand.  you can see the IVs taped to my hands that remained for pain and nausea meds because I still wasn't able to keep anything down, but these moments with my girls far surpassed any swollen face, pain, or nausea I had.  
more on those details in Brady's birth story.. coming soon!

the big girls were cautious- they were more concerned with me laying in the hospital bed than they were the baby in the bassinet.  Baker on the other hand.. she was SO interested in her brother and I was literally floored when she was determined to lay hands on the tiny one.  that came out of nowhere and both Jordan and I continued to look at each other in disbelief.
this is real life.
Baker's hospital pictures are still among my most favorite pictures of all time and here we are again with a handful of pictures to lump into that group of favorites.  captured memories to treasure for the rest of my life.  welcome to our clan baby Brady.

photography by: b faith photography
sleepy bear swaddle // loved by hannah + eli
delivery robe c/o pinkblush
hospital bassinet banner // hooray everyday
"b" initial hat // cotton cupcake shoppe

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