Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

My Top 10 Favorite Chick Flicks

Kevin was out of town this weekend for a guys trip with some of his very best friends from his college years. While he was gone, each night I busted out the wine and watched some chick flicks.
I love chick flicks. The cheesier, the better!
I thought I would share my 10 favorite Chick Flicks.
These are movies that I can watch over and over and over again.....and never get sick of!
I chose these 10 because I own all of them, which means I have watched them over and over again.
In no particular order....
#10 Sleepless in Seattle

#9 Bridesmaids

#8 Father of the Bride

#7  The Notebook

#6 Sweet Home Alabama

#5 27 Dresses

 #4 13 Going on 30

#3 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
 #2 My Best Friends Wedding
 #1 You've Got Mail
Honorable Mentions:
Maid in Manhattan
Dirty Dancing
Pretty Women
Steel Magnolias

If I had to pick a favorite chick flick,  I couldn't just pick one.
It's probably a tie between You've Got Mail, My Best Friend's Wedding and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
Do you have any favorite chick flicks that aren't on my list?
Am I missing any good ones?
What is your favorite Chick Flick?

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