Selasa, 21 Februari 2017

snow sleep and mood swings

The past two nights have not been kind to us around here. Cecelia forgot how to sleep again and has been waking up for 2-3 hours at a time at night. Then yesterday as a whole was pretty horrible. It was just one of those days when everyone was 'off' and cranky and nothing seemed to go right. The 3 am hour was a cruel one for me this morning, when I was convinced that the world was, indeed, ending (just a day earlier than predicted). Because I was just too tired, my baby would never sleep again, and my toddler would never behave again either.

But then today happened and it was glorious. Just as Wednesday was a day when nothing went as planned, today was a day when things went better than expected. We had a great playdate this morning where both of my kids acted like angels (redemption from the last night's playdate when one of them was a little...challenging. Ahem. Truman.). We had fun as a family making a fire while the snow fell outside; listening to Christmas music while wrapping gifts; eating a delicious dinner complete with dessert; making elaborate train tracks together; and enjoying two happy children who didn't seem to have their own crazy agenda for once. I got Starbucks not once, but twice today---so you know it was a good day no matter what;) I also got to workout via DVD at home during a dual afternoon nap when my usual 5 am gym time got passed up for more sleep this morning. Nothing like some caffeine and endorphins from exercise to make life seem a lot better.

I got to hear, 'I love you, mommy' from my precious first born who I KNOW is a good boy. Even when he is acting naughty. And acting like a soon-to-be-three year old. I got to see my baby girl light up that adorable face just for me. Laughing. Smiling. Being so pretty that it hurts my heart to accept that she is my daughter. My children are not perfect by any means. They drive me batty sometimes. And yet, I am hyper-aware of how incredibly blessed we are to have these gifts from God. At a time when the pain of Sandy Hook is all too fresh, I was irritated with myself for letting a bad day or two get me down. Because really---how can my days be all that bad when there is so much good in them?

On Tuesday we got a few inches of snow here. Our first real snowfall. And Truman was in freaking heaven playing in the snow with all of us. Cecelia slept while bundled up in the Ergo and I snapped hundreds of pictures to remember this fun evening as a family. Winter in Wisconsin can be so incredibly beautiful. I welcome the white stuff...for now. After the new year it can kindly go away;) Although we were supposed to get a blizzard today, most of it passed our house and we only got a few more inches while our neighboring suburbs boast 13+. I'll take the itty bitty amounts we've gotten. Better for a toddler to enjoy anyway.





















Thank you, God, for this life. Even when it doesn't include sleep or a predictable mood from my children. Thank you, just the same. Help me to remember my blessings and forget my complaints. And please let the baby sleep tonight.

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