Minggu, 26 Februari 2017

10 on 10 March 2016

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button

March 10th! Already! Time is flying!

Here is a snapshot of our day:
Starting my morning in my classroom....grading homework packets, drinking coffee & eating a bar.
Thursdays are my extra short teaching day, I am done at 11:15. I stayed & caught up on emails then headed home for lunch. One of my favorite lunches to make is 2 fried eggs topped with 1/2 an avacado & chalula. Today I added some fresh spinach to it. YUM!
 Then I headed to the post office to mail tanners & micro derm paste! If you ordered from my bulk order, they should be arriving in 2 days! I ordered a few extra of each, so if you missed the bulk order & want one of our sunless tanners ($21) or microderm pastes ($68) send me an email: melissa_larson17(at)yahoo.com
Going to pick up Luke...the hills are SO green this time of year!
Grabbed Claire from school & then headed home quickly for an afternoon snack. I made a green smoothie..I need to blog the recipe...it is delicious & healthy!
Then it was time to take Luke to get his haircut. He loves getting his haircut now (he used to not love it, he would scream and I would have to hold him in the chair.....thankfully he grew out of that phase & he looks forward to hair cut days!)
Seriously....this kid is the best...so glad I get to experience having a boy.
"Here mama..want some of my lolipop? It's strawberry!"
Now he looks 13 instead of 3 :(

 We got home & it was DUMPING rain. Yay El Nino! We need the rain desperately so that we can get out of this drought we are having here in California. I had to check the pool water because I was nervous it was going to overflow!
Made some afternoon tea....my favorite tea is Good Earth Sweet & Spicy. Love the quote on the tea bag.
Dinner tonight....Spicy Sausage & Spinach Pasta bake. One of our go-to meals. I need to blog this also!
I just realized I had a lot of spinach today :)

AfAfterthe kids were in bed it was time for a glass of wine & reading before bed.
This is what I am currently reading. I am about 200 pages in. 300 more to go. It was slow to start but now it is getting better. Have you read it?

So, there you have it. A snapshot of our 10th!
It was a busy day, but a productive day!

My March Madness deal is also going on, if you want to become a preferred customer.
You get $20 cash back, 17% off your order and FREE Shipping!
I would LOVE to help you with your skin care needs!
You can also take this quick 6 question survey to find out what products are best for your skin {HERE}

It also applies if you join my team...17% off your kit. 
You could get $75-$150 cash back!
Such an awesome deal!
Email me for more info!

Have a great weekend!

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