Rabu, 14 Juni 2017

Album design part two

It is finished.

My album, that is. It's been uploaded and ordered my friends. And for only $75 total including shipping and taxes. Would you like to see?

Here is the front cover:

Here is the opening page:

Then comes all of the layouts I already posted about here, if you are into the chronological thing like me:)

And now for my new reception layouts [remember to click on them if you want to see bigger images]:

these last two pages should really be laid out together like the rest but I only saved them separately:

Whew. That was a lot of work but I think I'm going to love it. Now I just have to wait on Blurb and hopefully I'm not disappointed with their product. Because I might have a few interested girls in the wings...

And now I have to get out from behind the computer screen and enjoy this weather. It's supposed to be 60 degrees today and I swear people might be laying out because it's so 'hot.' Seriously. I wouldn't be surprised:)

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