Kamis, 17 Agustus 2017

Christmas Word Puzzle Game

My husband and I have started a new Christmas tradition.
This year marked our second annual White Elephant and Service party, where guests bring donations for the local youth shelter I volunteer at, and we play the fun white elephant game. We provide all the yummy food and desserts for the party. I think it's a fun way to ring in the Christmas spirit of service and enjoy the best gift-giving game ever. Who doesn't love the craziness of a white elephant game?

I like to have a game for my guests to play while everyone arrives, mingles, eats. So, this year I designed my own game! Inspired by a game of Cadoo I played with the shelter children recently, I wanted to create a picture game that helped you guess words. So, for our White Elephant and Service party, I thought of Christmas words that I could break down into pictures. Once I had an idea of what pictures could form a word, I used the amazing Google Image Search to find what I needed.

Ta-da! Here is the Christmas Word Puzzle Game I created.
(Disclaimer: None of these illustrations are my own. They all came from a Google Image Search.)

Can you guess each Christmas themed word from its series of pictures?
Feel free to print off a copy and use this game for all your holiday parties.
This would be a good brain teaser for your family get-togethers, your office parties, or your own gift-exchange celebrations. Have fun with this game!

Answers can be found on the blog post here.
Try your luck, then go check the answers!

Merry Christmas everyone!

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